ajax index


001 ajax

  1. 简单ajax
  2. jsonp: get stock price

002 Promise Obj

  1. setTimeout: async example
  2. setTimeout 2: js引擎和GUI引擎互斥
  3. Promise 详解: resolve, reject 是什么?
  4. job1.then(job2).then(job3).catch(handleError);
  5. Promise version ajax
  6. Promise version ajax 2
  7. Promise all: 多任务并行执行,都成功才进入then
  8. Promise race: 多任务赛跑,有一个成功,则立刻进入then

003 drag and upload (backend: php)

  1. drag demo
  2. drag and upload demo
  3. drag and upload demo 2
  4. 003/03_multipy_drag.html 多文件拖拽到input file
  5. 003/04_multipy_drag_preview.html 多文件拖拽到input file,并预览图片
  6. 003/05_multipy_drag_preview_upload.html 多文件拖拽到input file,预览,上传

004 ajax using axios (backend: php)

  1. ajax by axios get
  2. ajax by axios post
  3. axios.all 一起执行完,再打印
  4. ajax post by axios config
  5. ajax get picture 获取远端图片 太复杂了